The insights from the strategic planning process became valuable immediately when the organization announced in December of 2016, that Steve Caldeira, the former President & CEO of the International Franchise Association would onboard in January of 2017. Moving quickly, Caldeira embarked on a cross-country tour to visit dozens of member companies, hearing first-hand concerns and priorities. He also reorganized and expanded the government relations & public policy, and communications departments, to further strengthen their advocacy and member/media relations impact.
Focus groups confirmed what the new CEO and many board members had long suspected – no one outside of the immediate membership and EPA was remotely familiar with the CSPA brand, or even understood what the name meant, who we represented, or what our issues were.
The phrase consumer specialty products was considered vague, and wild guesses at what a consumer specialty product was generated some laughs for focus groups. The term “institutional” in the tagline was considered anachronistic to the many of the audiences CSPA served.
The Board agreed – the old association had been transformed and a new association was ready to emerge. There could not be a better time for a name change.
The team was prepared. The insights from the market analysis, member research and strategic planning process fed numerous rounds of creative concepts and discussion around the name, visual identity and tagline. The membership was calling for, and the data supported, a clear and modern brand that reflected who we served and aligned with the vision of the transformed organization. The name emerged: