Aerosol Products
Division Information
Companies Represented
The Aerosol Products Division membership represents more than 80 percent of the current U.S. domestic aerosol industry’s production capacity. Product marketers, contract fillers, suppliers of packaging components (containers, valves, overcaps, etc.), suppliers of aerosol ingredients (propellants, solvents, etc.), aerosol manufacturing equipment suppliers, aerosol technology consultants, and others involved in manufacturing, development, testing, and distribution of aerosol products.
Products Represented
Products packaged in self-dispensing, pressurized containers, including spray products and foam products, used by household, institutional, commercial, and industrial consumers.
Priority Issues
Updating the code for the Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products... in cooperation with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Technical Committee on Aerosol Products for the 2019 edition of the NFPA 30B, Code for the Manufacture and Storage of Aerosol Products. HCPA has also been participating in meetings with the International Fire Code (IFC), 2021 edition, HCPA will be submitting code change proposals for both NFPA and IFC in 2018, which will include codes for “Plastic Aerosol 3.”
EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP)… UN amendments to the Montreal Protocol, and California Air Resources Board regulatory initiatives. Of particular interest to the aerosol division is the current litigation surrounding hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and EPA SNAP Rule 20 within the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.
Providing input on US EPA’s retail strategy… with the agency’s Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) staff to improve classifications that ensure proper disposal and recycling of aerosol containers and suggested improvements to reverse distribution logistics to better handle unsaleable consumer products. HCPA expects EPA to incorporate some of these suggestions in its strategy.
Harmonizing the definition of an aerosol… HCPA and other associations petitioned the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to align the definition of an aerosol with the UN Model Regulations definition. HCPA is asking for an expanded definition which would allow the industry to move away from the use of special permits with gas-only aerosols.
Increasing collaboration across all groups representing the aerosol industry… HCPA continued its long-standing tradition of collaborating with other aerosol associations, both in the United States and Internationally. HCPA staff presented in the US at Aerosol Dispensing Forum (ADF), Southern Aerosol Technical Association (SATA) Fall Meeting and Western Aerosol Information Bureau (WAIB) Fall Meeting and participated in the International Liaison Committee (ILC) and Latin American Aerosol Congress in Mexico City.
If you’re concerned with these issues regarding Aerosol Products, contact us and learn how beneficial an HCPA membership could be.
Add Your Voice
Committees/Distribution Lists
- General Division List
- Executive Board
- Advisory Committee
- Atmospheric Policy Committee
- International Harmonization Committee
- Membership Committee
- Nominations Committee
- Program Committee
- Recycling Committee
- Standards Committee
- Survey Committee
- Sustainability Committee
- Transformative
- Technologies Committee
You can add yourself to any of these lists by clicking below
Product Types
- Double Phase Aerosol
- Single Phase Aerosol
- Dual Purpose Air
- Freshener/Disinfectant
- Odor Remover/Eliminator
- Bathroom and Tile
- Cleaner
- Disinfectant Spray
- Dusting Aid
- General Purpose Cleaners
- General Purpose Degreaser
- Glass Cleaner Spray
- Metal Polish/Cleanser Spray
- Oven or Grill Cleaner
- Sanitizer
- Toilet/Urinal Care Product
- Wood Cleaner
- Motor Vehicle Wash
- Rubber/Vinyl Protectant
Anti-Static Product
- Anti-Static Product
- Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner
- Fabric Protectant
- Fabric Refresher
- Spot Remover
- Crawling Bug Insecticide
- Flying Bug Insecticide
- Insect Repellant
- Lawn or Garden Insecticide
- Laundry Prewash
- Spot Remover
Engine Degreaser
- Anti-Seize Lubricant
- Cutting or Tapping Oil
- Gear, Chain, or Wire Lubricant
- Rubber and Vinyl Protectant
- Rust Preventative or Rust Control Lubricant
- Graffiti Remover
- Paint Thinner
- Shaving Cream
- Shaving Gel
Footwear or Leather Care Product
Furniture Maintenance Products